Conveying systems are widely used in industrial fields all over the world. When using the conveyor, special conveyor motor is required. Each industry can set appropriate work points according to the needs to effectively lift the conveyor transportation.

What factors need to be considered when selecting the conveyor motor? The factors related to the selection of conveyor motors are described below.

4 factors to consider

  • Selection of motor parameters: the specification, model, functional characteristics, protection type, rated voltage, rated current, rated power, power frequency, insulation grade, etc. of the motor shall be known first. These contents can basically provide a reference for users to correctly select protectors. It can be selected according to the weight of items on the conveyor belt.
  • Selection according to environmental conditions: mainly including normal temperature, high temperature, high cold, corrosivity, vibration, sand, altitude, electromagnetic pollution, etc.
  • Motor use: features required for dragging mechanical equipment, such as fans, water pumps, air compressors, lathes, oilfield pumping units and other mechanical features with different loads.
  • Control mode: control modes include manual, automatic, local control, remote control, stand-alone independent operation, centralized control of production line, etc. The starting methods include direct, step-down, star angle, frequency sensitive rheostat, frequency converter, soft starting, etc.

There are many factors related to the selection of protectors, such as installation location, power supply, distribution system, etc; Also consider whether to configure protection for newly purchased motors, upgrade motor protection, or improve accident motor protection;

The difficulty of changing the motor protection mode and its impact on production shall also be considered; The selection and adjustment of the protector shall be comprehensively considered according to the actual working conditions on site.

Two classifications of motor: DC motor or AC motor

The following is a comparative description of DC motor and AC motor.

DC motor

In some industries, conveyors need to be replaced frequently to meet the needs of work. DC motor can better control the change of speed and direction.

DC motor can better change the speed, and external controller can be used to change the field voltage. No matter how the transportation speed and load change, the DC motor can be balanced. The DC motor can transport all materials within the proper operating range.

We can customize the motor with appropriate specifications according to the needs, which can also save energy and space.

AC motor

AC induction motors can be used in applications where conveyor motors need to operate continuously in one direction. They are very durable and require little maintenance due to the lack of brushes.

The AC motor is more suitable for equipment that often reverses the direction of the conveyor. When the motor needs to stop, start and change direction repeatedly, low-speed synchronous motor is more suitable. AC motors are more suitable for slow moving continuous applications such as sushi conveyors.

  • DC motors are easier to control, but AC motors only need low power to start and stop.
  • AC motors are easier to maintain.

The above is a brief description of the two motors. I hope it will help you in selecting motor oil.

If you need to select a conveyor motor, please contact us. Our technical specialists will design appropriate equipment solutions for you.