What is the bend pulley ?

Peralatan bend pulley, also known as the guide roller, is one of the key components of the belt conveyor. It is mainly used to change the running direction of the conveyor belt or compress the conveyor belt to increase its wrap angle with the drive roller.

The turning drum has the characteristics of compact structure, light weight, less occupation, reliable performance, beautiful appearance, safe and convenient use, and can still work normally under severe conditions such as heavy dust, wet mud, etc.

What is the function of the bend pulley ?

Peralatan conveyor pulley is used to change the running direction of the conveyor belt or compress the conveyor belt to increase its wrap angle with the bend pulley.

The driving pulley and the reversing pulley are important parts for adjusting the belt deviation in the belt conveyor. A belt conveyor shall have at least 2 to 5 pulleys. The installation position of all pulleys must be perpendicular to the centerline in the length direction of the belt conveyor. If the deflection is too large, deviation will occur.

If the belt of the head pulley deviates to the right side of the pulley, the bearing seat on the right side should move forward.

if the belt deviates to the left side of the pulley, the bearing seat on the left side should move forward, and the left bearing seat or the right bearing seat can also be moved backward. The adjustment method of the tail drum is just opposite to that of the head roller.

The bend pulley is widely used in conveying machinery, mainly in metallurgy, mines, ports and docks, chemical medicine, cement and building materials, steel, coal mines and other fields.

Main causes of bend pulley brake failure

  • Whether the air pressure is abnormal, such as whether the air pump is abnormal, whether the air pipe leaks or is blocked.
  • Whether the brake pad is damaged.
  • Check whether the brake discs on both sides of the drum are damaged.
  • Check whether there is any fault in the brake switch system, which makes the transmission of braking command blocked.
  • Whether the power transmission system cuts off the power in time.
  • For belt friction braking, check whether the friction belt is loose or the friction coefficient drops, and adjust or replace it.

How to adjust the bend pulley at the tensioning position?

The adjustment of belt tension is a very important part of belt conveyor deviation adjustment. In addition to being perpendicular to the belt length direction, the upper reversing rollers at the counterweight tensioning position shall also be perpendicular to the gravity vertical line, that is, ensure that the axis centerline is horizontal.

When screw tensioning or hydraulic cylinder tensioning is used, the two bearing seats of the tensioning cylinder shall be translated at the same time to ensure that the cylinder axis is vertical to the longitudinal direction of the belt. The specific adjustment method of belt deviation is similar to that of the roller.

How to maintain the bend pulley ?

be careful:

  • Before conveying, the bend pulley shall idle for a moment before feeding, and feeding can only be started after normal operation.
  • Materials shall be transported uniformly and continuously to avoid overloading.
  • Frequent starting and braking of conveyor shall be avoided as far as possible during production.
  • Production personnel shall strictly abide by the operating procedures to avoid safety accidents.
  • In case of any problem during use, stop the vehicle immediately to check and eliminate it.


  • Drain the lubricating oil from the roller through the oil drain hole on the left end cover of the roller.
  • Remove the bend pulley. The steps are as follows: Remove the junction box at the shaft end of the left flange, the left bracket and the bolts on the left end cover, and then remove the bolts on the right end cover and the right bracket, and then lift the right flange shaft out with a lifting ring.
  • Clean all parts and inner walls of the bend pulley.
  • Refill all bearings (including six motor bearings) with sufficient calcium sodium grease.
  • Replace the seal ring and oil seal on the motor and roller body. The replaced seal ring and oil seal must be intact, smooth, round, and free of small bulges, dents or folds. The material must be oil resistant rubber.
  • The insulation resistance of the motor winding to the shell and between each other shall not be less than 5 megohms, otherwise, it shall be dipped in paint and dried.
  • Check the wear of each bearing, backstop and gear, and replace those that cannot be used.
  • The assembly of the bend pulley shall be carried out in the reverse order of disassembly, and the quality shall be guaranteed by professionals.
  • Inject new engine oil into the bend pulley to make the liquid level reach 1/3 of the roller diameter.